Say hello to hitting golf shots the correct distance.

2 weeks from now you're varying the speed of your swing without all that thinking.

Do you ever lay in bed at night and wonder about how to fix your golf swing?

You know, playing golf without trying to fix your golf swing is possible. But right now, you can't help but feel like you have to figure it out. You need to know why, how you did that. If you're anything like me, you’ve spent way too much time trying to fix a golf swing that has been useful for a long time, maybe even decades.

For me, I couldn’t hit balls without swing thoughts playing in my head. I took lessons, lots of them. Or I'd add to my swing thought repertoire with a thought from a recent practice. Or maybe a swing tip from an article in Golf Magazine, or a video on Instagram. I'd take all the swing thoughts I could find to the range and go pound golf balls.

How many times have you “found something” in your swing that works, and then that’s all you can think about?

Harvey Penick (Little Red Book) said this about swing thoughts:

"In the golf swing a tiny change can make an enormous difference. The natural inclination is to begin to overdo the tiny change that has brought success. So, you exaggerate to improve even more, and soon you are lost and confused again.”

I think Harvey Penick was talking about me.

Here's the real problem. We find something that works, then we pound balls on the range, and ingrain that swing thought into our conscious memory. Then we go play golf. In those few seconds just before we pull the trigger, the swing thought is barking instructions at us. By the time we make the turn, we're lost and confused again.

It's time to stop playing golf this way, once and for all.

You know it's possible to trust yourself.

It's possible to hit balls on the range without always looking for someone to give you the answer. To hit balls without grinding over swing thoughts. In fact, it's possible to hit a golf shot without the thought of trying to fix your golf swing. But how do you get there?

What if you could wake up every day without thinking about your golf swing?

Stop what you’re doing and ask yourself: how would your game change if you had conviction, if you had a foundation to build upon? Because right now, your game changes from day to day, swing thought to swing thought. You're looking everywhere but within.

Imagine what it would be like to take everything you think you know about the golf swing and get rid of it. We're talking technical thoughts in the moments just before you pull the trigger!

You're starting to realize there is no ideal swing, no simple answers.

Lately, it’s becoming clearer than ever that each player must develop belief for the manner in which they swing the golf club.

Feel yourself thinking, “there’s got to be a better way!” Well, that’s because the toughest challenge you will face is not necessarily the golf course, or even your buddies scores. The toughest part will be a casual comment or advise offered up by a playing partner or "teacher" about how you should be doing it.

Good news: you’re right. There’s a way, and this is it.

When you’re at that point, lost and confused. There’s a way to refuse to allow any negative thoughts to enter your head and make your muscles hit the ball to the target, even with your not so perfect swing, you know, the one you've been using for decades.

You've tried pounding golf balls on the range, you allowed disorganized thinking to enter your mind.

You didn’t have this Practice Plan to build your Feel for Distance Control.

That’s why I’m sharing a better way to take control of your golf game. I'm not here to fix your golf swing, my purpose is to help you find your game. That is exactly what I intend to do.

Imagine a world where you can hit balls on the range, have no worries about results, no grinding over swing thoughts. in fact, no thoughts exist about trying to fix your golf swing. NONE! This is a world where you find your Feel for distance control, where you're not surprised how often your mind will make your muscles hit the ball to your target.

I can speak from experience. When you can hit a golf ball the correct distance, put yourself in position to make a birdie Putt, and don't care to know how you just did that.

Momentum is on your side.

Imagine getting home, writing your next practice plan, and you literally can't wait to get back on the range.

There is no better Feeling in the game of golf.

Take it from Tiger Woods:

"Avoid getting caught up in technical thoughts. Trust your muscle memory and let your body execute the swing naturally. Keep it simple!"

Introducing: Blackout Mode for Fairway Wedges inside 100-yards.

The most complete practice plan out there for improving your scoring game.
  • Training starts at home

    At home, where it's easy to find the time to practice. This is where we install implicit memory into your golf swing. That is, the first step in learning how to strike a golf ball without conscious thought. We’ll introduce the fundamentals of the pre-shot routine, then the movements of the three stock wedge swings used for distance control inside 100-yards.

  • FEEL Drills on the range

    Once on the range, we’ll start the process of hitting golf balls without thoughts of backswing or finishing positions, allowing your mind to communicate with your body without your conscious thoughts getting in the way. We then progress to more advanced distance drills that prepares your mind and body for what's going to happen on game day.

  • Changing Swing Speeds

    This is where you change swing speeds to adjust the distance you're hitting the ball, without thought of course. We start at home, where we'll feed your mind with the fundamentals of changing speeds. Then you'll commit it to memory, so we don’t have to think or talk about the process once we get on the range. A key moment in your training.

  • Building A Practice Plan

    Going to the Golf Course without a plan, plowing through a bucket of balls, is not practice, and has little value. A great advantage to In-Home Training is you can evaluate your On-Course Performance, that is, identify your weaknesses. The next practice plan encourages you to keep moving forward, making sure this change to your practice habits is permanent. You'll be happy with the results.

  • Advanced In-Home Training

    I'll encourage you to STOP with the swing thoughts already. But, if you’re anything like me, sometimes they enter our minds when we’re not looking. You might take a swing lesson or want to incorporate a movement or swing thought into your training. I'll show you how to do it without old habits returning, you know, trying to fix your swing while grinding on the range. YUK!

  • Blackout Mode Training

    You know the phrase, “It’s just like riding a bike.” How is it that you can go years without riding a bike, then hop on and ride it effortlessly? They say it’s because of implicit memory or remembering how to complete tasks that do not require conscious thought. Just like with riding a bike, we'll install implicit memory into your golf swing. That is, you'll learn to hit golf balls without conscious thought.

  • Chipping Practice Drills

    To build Feel into your chipping motion, we first must install implicit memory, sound familiar? You must learn the fundamentals before you can Pitch or Chip the golf ball without conscious thought on the practice green. This starts at home where we’ll introduce the fundamentals of the Chipping Setup and Swing.

  • Simple Bunker Training

    Most of us don’t practice bunker shots enough. With wedges inside 100-yards, chipping, and putting practice, sometimes we simply run out of time. That’s where this chapter comes in, we’ll cover the basics of getting out of the sand consistently and give you a chance to make a putt. The drills start at home of course.

  • Discover your FEEL

    How do you learn to Feel the distance of a wedge shot? If the truth be told, Feel is not something that you learn, it's discovered or found within yourself. When your Feel is good, you're free to play a confident shot. In other words, you trust it, you trust yourself. You'll discover, there's no better Feeling in the game of golf.

  • Make Your Short Putts

    There is no better way to make an immediate impact on your golf game then to spend a little time on the practice green watching the ball go in the hole on a consistent basis.

  • Simply Read the Line

    Nothing can replace experience when learning to read the line, but it seems with our effort to get our read right we skip over the easiest and sometimes most accurate way to get it done.

  • Get Ready for Game Day

    You’re preparing for your round, where things go quick, we’ll prepare you to get in the right frame of mind. When you show up to the first tee you shouldn’t be worried about the first shot, just excited to get it going.

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The 'Must Have' Skill in the Game of Golf.

The common denominator of the best players in the world is that in the moments just before they pull the trigger, their not consciously thinking about anything. Top players and teachers have different names for it, separate ways to get into that mode:

Harvey Penick (Little Red Book) called it: "Take Dead Aim."

Brian Hepler (Tathata Golf) calls it: "Looking Out in Front."

Jordan Spieth calls it: "Blackout."

Tiger Woods calls it: "Take a Picture."

Simply, it's about striking a golf ball without the thought of how hard to hit it, with the image of the target fresh in your mind.

Meet the Moment of Truth behind Blackout Mode.

A while back, ok it was over 20 years ago, I was reading an article in Golf Digest about how Phil Mickelson practices distance control with his wedges.

Phil would work on 1-yard intervals, yes, I said 1-yard. He would have his caddy stand at say 85 yards, with a baseball glove. Phil would hit his wedge shot so his caddy could catch the golf ball without moving his feet.

My interest was piqued!

His caddy would take one step back and Phil would hit 86-yard shots. He would go through all yardages; each time feeling the difference at 1-yard intervals.


Then it hit me, “I’m practicing the wrong things.” Phil was not working on his swing, most likely no swing thoughts were dancing in his head. His only thought was to hit the golf ball to his caddy 86-yards away.

Think about that for a moment, we are grinding on the range, shot after shot, trying to fix our golf swing.

Then here’s Phil Mickelson, hitting little wedge shots 85-yards, then 86-yards, then 87-yards, his only thought was the distance to the baseball glove?

I had questions.

How does he do that?

What’s the difference between 85-yards and 86-yards, in the golf swing?

Does he consciously change the mechanics of any part of his swing?

This was the decisive moment for me, it changed everything. It changed how I practice on the range, how I practice at home, and most importantly, how I prepare for game day.